Daniel Jacobs Hopes Renewed Fighting Spirit Will Help Him In His Return

Daniel Jacobs

Daniel Jacobs says he has renewed fighting spirit as he returns to the ring for the first time in about 29 months.

Jacobs hasn’t fought since February of 2022 when he dropped a split decision to John Ryder. After the loss, Jacobs says he was thinking about his career and during his time off, he found more motivation as he knows there is more he still has to accomplish in the sport.

“The thoughts of me returning were always lingering in my mind in those two years of me being off,” Jacobs said (via BoxingScene). “I wanted to secure a spot in the Hall of Fame. And we evaluated my career and thought there’s more that I can do, there’s more of an imprint that I can leave in the sport.

“I know I’ve done so much for the sport from what I’ve already accomplished. I’m an inspiration to the sport and millions of people throughout the world from my life story, all the things that I’ve been in outside and inside the ring. And so I want to give a little more of that, and I feel like I have enough left to be able to give to the sport,” Jacobs said.

Daniel Jacobs is set to return on July 6 against Shane Mosley Jr. at the Honda Center in Anaheim, in a pivotal fight for his career. Should Jacobs win, he hopes he can get a crack at a world title.

“I was at a point where I had actually accomplished everything I sought out to accomplish, and so there came a time in my mind when I [had to decide] if I wanted to settle and retire,” Jacobs said. “But then, you know, that fighter spirit came back and it came kicking in, and I felt like there might be some more that I could do, because when it’s all said and done, I do want to have my name amongst the greats of my generation… The ultimate goal is to become champion

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